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In Sanskrit, the word ‘tula’ means balance.


That life needs balance is an ancient aphorism common to several ageless philosophies. The strings of a sitar are a good analogy. When a string is stretched too tight, its shrill notes stress the musician’s ears as well as the listener’s. Left too loose, and the sound it makes will unsettle even the most undiscerning listener.

And so it is with life.


A state of equilibrium is achieved when opposing forces are in harmony. Travellers on a journey to find this equilibrium often need someone to anchor and guide them.

At Tula Journey, we offer gentle guidance and companionship anchoring you at every step. Through our offerings, we hope to bring gratitude, intention and balance to your days.

Our Story

Gunjan Adya


UNESCO-CID & Fortis certified
Expressive Arts & Movement Therapist

Founder's Note

When we wake up in the din of the mundane, it is natural to feel the chaos surrounding each of us. Some days, you can’t help but feel lost. And as you trudge along, going about your routine amidst all the confusion, there often isn’t a single moment to pause and reflect upon one’s experiences.


Some mornings, you might not even recognize your face in the mirror. A fleeting reflection might show a stranger; an intense stare might reflect an acquaintance. Is it truly you that you see?


There are a million questions in our minds that add to the chaos. You might even ask yourself, ‘Is the Universe conspiring against me?’ But it is the opposite in reality. The Universe does not conspire against you. Instead, it places you in the middle of all this with a purpose. And finding that purpose is the journey that one must embark upon at some point in life.


It might seem like a daunting task at first. You may come across many crossroads. The path ahead may seem steep, with many winding curves. It may tire you out, and you may not know where to look. It may even defeat you, and the goal may seem too far.


And that is the fundamental paradox.


You don’t have to gaze too far in the future. The kaleidoscope of life is reflecting a million different colours within you. The answers, too, will be found within. It is all there for you to find and fathom. It is all there for you to see. The eternal joy, the meaning of life, the answers to all your questions. The path to inner peace. The path to balance. Tula.


Whilst there may be many a formula to this, and there may be many avenues, I have found mine – and through Tula Journey, I aim to share my journey of balance, my quest for peace, with you.


I’m an artist as well as an expressive arts therapist. My life and career have shown me, that all of us, at one time or another, come across the everlasting mysteries of who we truly are and what we really want from life. A need to change and look within is often the main reason for many sleepless nights and restless days for most of us.


And it was this urgent need within me that was the inspiration behind ‘Tula Journey’. I hope that it may help gently guide you through your life as it has for me.

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